VOL - VisOlivae

Τhe brand VOL, which stands for our natural soap products, is an abbreviation of the name of our Company VIS OLIVAE.

The Latin word VIS means power, strength, vigor, vitality. We find it in the philosophical term VIS VITALIS, which means vital force. The word OLIVAE, from Latin OLIVA ,means "of the olive tree"The two words together mean " The Power of The  Olive Tree" reffering to the vital role of this blessed tree around the Mediterranean Basin, which in terms of energy and economy (trade) was major driving force of the Greek and wider Mediterranean civilization.

The selection of soaps contains free Olive Oil at a rate of 7-10%, which accentuates its moisturizing, emollient, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in body care and ensures product safety and efficiency. The company chose the cold saponification method for a series of important reasons :

  • The soap does not lose its natural glycerin which incorporates in the soap mass and offers its moisturizing and emollient action to the skin during the bath. Therefore it does not need additional industrial glycerin, keeping in this way the maximum quality, while remaining traditional and handmade.
  • Cold process saponification requires minimal amount of energy and water, and this is consistent with our desire to burden to the minimum the natural resources and the environment.

You can read more in the article - VIS OLIVAE

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