Macrovita Olive-Elia


Natural cosmetics with organic olive oil under the trademark MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA

Our company

Established in 1984, MACROVITA designs, develops, produces and trades the homonymous natural cosmetics based on sophisticated combinations of vegetable oils or plant extracts, bee origin substances and natural vitamins. In 1998, MACROVITA was the first to introduce cosmetics containing olive oil as an active ingredient in Greece. Since then, clearly improved and constantly developing, our products are sold exclusively through pharmacies and organic stores in Greece, being also available in several countries abroad.

In 2006, in order to satisfy the specialized needs of the developing market of traditional products, MACROVITA created a new line of natural, olive oil-based beauty care products under the trademark MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA, strictly maintaining the well-known standards of high quality and reliability.


MACROVITA logo is composed by the classic Greek prefix “macro”, which demonstrates a long time period, and the well-known Latin word “vita”, which means life. The composition of these two is also complemented by the famous Asiatic symbol “yin-yang”, that expresses physical and mental balance.

MACROVITA is, therefore, the source of longevity. Follows the ancient beauty and health secrets of the Mediterranean and Far-East cultures, harmonized with modern scientific research and technology, as well as the contemporary ecological view towards the natural world.

OLIVE·ELIA is composed by two words: The first is the English word “olive” and the second one is the corresponding name of olive in Greek, “elia”.

Our history

984: Establishment of the company with primary aim and quest of commitment to quality. Production of the first natural cosmetics.

1989: MACROVITA innovates by creating the first -in Greece- regenerating product line utilizing plant RNA in liposomes and soya proteins.

1993: Creation of the first anti-aging Retinol A+E product line with nanospheres ever launched into the Greek market.

1996: MACROVITA, fully respecting nature, demonstrates maximum sensitivity, removing animal origin ingredients from all its products (except for bee byproducts).

1998: Introduction of the first olive oil natural cosmetics in Greece.

2002: Renewal of both products and packaging, in accordance with modern aesthetic criteria and international legislative regulations, with the aim of entering and manifesting a dynamic presence into the global market.

2005: Ecological orientation, always maintaining the standards of quality and effectiveness in our products.

2006: Launch of the first cosmetics under the new trademark MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA, designed and produced following same strict standards of high quality and reliability. The new products quickly become -and still remain- top sellers in the cosmetics market of traditional shops.

2010: MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA products acquire their modern, global identity. Widely known for their quality and effectiveness, they are natural cosmetics with organic plant oils or extracts, enriched with the amazing cosmetic properties of bee byproducts, certain products of biotechnology, enzymes and coenzymes.

2013: MACROVITA significantly enhances its presence both in the tourism market as well as the international competition, marching towards the future with steady and determined steps.

2014: MACROVITA successfully enters the market of Cyprus as well as that of many more European countries.

2016: Following the new European regulation (655/2013) laying down common criteria for the justification of claims used in relation to cosmetic products available on the market, MACROVITA keeps on developing products that are not tested on animals, without using this information as marketing tool.

2018: MACROVITA, in accordance with the modern trends in cosmetology, renews its products by using innovative raw materials while also enhancing their effectiveness.

2019: Loyal to its ecological orientation, MACROVITA uses more eco-friendly packaging materials aiming to reduce its environmental footprint.

2020: Launch of the corporate e-shop.

2022: Development and launch into the international market of the innovative, handmade and environmentally friendly (plastic free) MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA Shampoo & Conditioner Bars, that reinforce and attest the company’s effort to reduce its environmental footprint.

Our products

Historical researchers claim that man’s first use of olive oil was, in all probability, cosmetic. Its astonishing dietary qualities were discovered much later. The knowledge of the exceptional cosmetic properties of olive oil was accumulated over the passage of centuries and in our age has been transformed into scientific fact.

Olive oil contains gallic acid tannins, iridoids, flavonoids, sugars and polyphenols with an intensive antioxidant, anti-aging, emollient, hydrating, firming and anti-inflammatory effect on the human skin. Thus, olive oil has proven to be an effective multipurpose agent for the creation of high-quality cosmetic products.

MACROVITA-OLIVE·ELIA product line combines extra virgin organic olive oil with many other organic substances and vitamins that are beneficial to the skin, offering the ideal natural facial, body and hair care.

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